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About IQAC

Asper the UGC and NAAC guidelines, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Govt. Rani Durgawati College, Wadrafnagar was established in the college in 2019 for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up-gradation of institutions. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards the realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The aim of IQAC is to develop a smooth system for sensible, continuous, reliable, and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution. The IQAC works for the development of a quality culture, also monitors the enhancement of various activities of the institution, ensures coordination among various departments, and creates a dynamic system for quality changes in the institute.


Vision of IQAC

1.      IQAC facilitates and contributes to:

2.      Ensuring quality culture as the prime concern of the institute through institutionalizing and internalizing.

3.      Enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution.

4.      Creating better internal communication.

5.      Developing a sense of social responsibility among students through extension activities.


Functions of IQAC

1.       Development of quality benchmarks.

2.       Design and development of an annual action plan for institution-level activities for quality enhancement.

3.       Design and development ofdepartmental academic calendar with the coordination of departments.

4.       Developing a system to collectfeedback from stakeholders, analyzingthe feedback & presenting it in front of the committee,.

5.       Organizing and preparing the SWOCanalysis.

6.       Developing a student-centric environment in the institute.

7.       Preparing and submitting the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR).

8.       Periodically conducting Academic and Administrative audits timely and its follow-up.

9.       Organizing workshops, seminars for students and faculty on quality-related themes, personality development, time management, etc.

10.    Promoting a research culture in the institute and organizing workshops on improving research practices and skills of the faculty.

11.    Preparing strategies to create industry-academia linkage.

12.    Acting as a nodal unit for augmenting quality-related activities by conducting orientation programs, mentor-mentee classes, etc.

Strategies of IQAC

IQAC evolves mechanisms and procedures for:

1.       Ensuring timely, efficient, and progressive performance of academic, administrative, and financial tasks.

2.       The relevance and quality of academic and research programs.

3.       Equitable access to and affordability of academic programs for various sections of society.

4.       Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.

5.       The credibility of evaluation procedures.

6.       Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance, and functioning of the support structure and services.


Benefits of IQAC

IQAC will facilitate/contribute to:

1.       Ensuring a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.

2.       Ensuring the internalization of the quality culture.

3.       Enhancing and coordinating among various activities of the institution and institutionalizing all good practices.

4.       Providing a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.

5.       Acting as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.

6.       Building an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.


Composition of IQAC

As per the guidelines of NAAC, the composition of the IQAC is outlined below:

1.       Chairperson: Head of the Institution

2.       Teachers to represent all level (Three to eight)

3.       One member from the Management

4.       Few senior administrative officers

5.       One nominee each from local society, Students and Alumni

6.       One nominee each from Employers/Industrialists/Stakeholders

7.       One of the senior teachers as the coordinator/Director of the IQAC