English Literature courses in theDepartment of English expose students to a wide range of writing from British,American and Anglophone traditions. It helps students explore how writers usethe creative resources of language-in fiction, poetry, nonfiction prose, anddrama-to explore the entire range of human experience. Students are expected tostrive, to be imaginative, rhetorically dexterous, and technically proficientand as a result, to gain a deeper insight into life. With the introduction ofnew syllabus from this year, which promotes a new the matic frame work whereclassical Indian Bhasa literature share space with contemporary literarycrosscurrents, UG syllabus at Government College Wadrafnagar will help studentsbuild skills of analytical and interpretive argument, and become careful andcritical readers. Again, students’ engagement with various strategies ofdrafting and revising, style of writing and analytical skills, diagnosing anddeveloping scholarly methodologies, use of language as a means of creativeexpression, will make them effective thinkers and communicators — qualitieswhich are crucial for choosing careers in our information-intensive society.
Specific learning outcomes for English coursesinclude the following:
1. Reading: Studentswill gain awareness about the best literary traditions of the world. By learninghow others live and handle their lives, one becomes connected with the world ina way we might not otherwise experience. They will discover that they are partof a huge conglomerate of human thought and emotion. All the great texts that astudent of English Literature will get chance to study will expand their rangeof experience. They can gain courage and strength by living vicariously throughwell-developed characters. Through reading students will have an awareness forvaries perspectives. This will also expand their range of experience and in theprocess they will learn to be more empathetic toward the plights of others.
2. Literature,Nation and Tradition: The current syllabus in the UG level willprovide students an opportunity to know India’s age old literary and culturaltradition through their exposure to Sanskrit texts and modern Indian vernacularliterature in translation. How reading literature in English can be an effectivemeans to address the complex issues of identity, nationalism , historicaltradition in Indian context, is a new focus area of the present course.
3. Awarenessabout Culture and History: Students gain an understanding ofthe relations between culture, history and texts. They learn to use texts as agateway to various cultural traditions and interpret them in their historical contexts.How a literary text can appear as an ideal platform to located dominant andmarginalized voices of a society, is an important focus of the under-graduateliterature program.
4. Gainingof Critical Insight: An exposure to various social and culturaltraditions and through the reading of representative texts from differentperiods help a student gain a critical insight about the reality as a whole.With the help of their Knowledge of various critical theories it is expectedthat they will be able to construct their own meaning about the reality and hishistorical situated.
5. Issueof Sexuality and Gender: Literature course teaches a student tobelieve that one's own sense of identity is not enough to persuade the rest ofthe world to agree. Human beings are no longer bound by such binary concepts asmale-female or masculine-feminine. They will learn that sex is a biologicalconcept based on biological characteristics, whereas gender deals withpersonal, societal and cultural perceptions of sexuality. Appropriation ofliterary texts as tools of cultural study will help students to challengecenturies of social tradition and scientific belief which promote such andother types of differentiations.
6. CrossFertilization with allied Arts: Students of English Literature should also be able toarticulate the relations among culture, history, and texts—for example,ideological and political aspects of representation, economic processes oftextual production, dissemination and reception, and cross-fertilization withother arts: architecture, sculpture, music, film, painting, dance, and theatre.
7. Acquisitionof Values: Acquisition of values is needed for individualdevelopment and social transformation. English literature course at UG level,like any other literary course, helps a student to gain subjective experienceof the text’s aesthetic value. This helps in developing quality of thinking andimagination and is a step forward to emerges a better human being. Throughtheir judgment of the aesthetic value of a literary text students will learn toappreciate whatever is good and beautiful in life. Their healthy mind will thusbe storehouse of healthy thoughts.
7. Writingskills and Process: Students will be able to recognize andcomprehend different varieties of English language and develop a writing styleof their own. English Literature students should be aware also that textualanalysis can be extended with profit to political, journalistic, commercial,technical, and web-based writing. It is expected that their exposure to theideas of variety of writers and their cultural backgrounds, will have a bearingin their own literary styles. With the development of their writing skills andfinesse of style there will be a possibility of them emerging as perspectivewriters, editors, content developers, teachers etc.
8. Meansof Effective Communication: Study of literature is intertwinedwith the study of language. Learning various language patterns, sentencestructures and dialogue forms can help one in real life in effectivelycommunicating with others. English is the language of science, computers,diplomacy and tourism. Knowing Englishincreases students’ chances of getting a good job in future.
The Department of English of Govt.College Wadrafnagar seeks to foster the intellectual development of itsstudents by encouraging study of literature and writing. The Department strivesto make its pass and program students familiar with a wide range of works ofBritish writers in particular and World literature in general with a specialfocus on Indian writings in English. The issues of culture, history, gender,race, ethnicity, and politics are addressed and negotiated in the process ofimparting knowledge of English literature in its pluralistic forms, to helpstudent develop a critical mindset of their own. The Department wishes thateach student who graduates with a BA in English from GRDCW, will have an enduringinterest in language and literature, an awareness of their historical andcultural legacies, knowledge of complexities of human existence, the politicaland social upheavals and its bearing on literature, an understanding of theability of great literature to arouse and challenge people to struggle withinsightful questions of human identity and values. With the introduction of the syllabus by Sant Gahira GuruVishwvidayalyaSarguja, the Department of English, GCB is now offering two types of courses:(1) English Literature an Elective English courses in BA PartI+II+III mode, (2) Under graduate Foundation Course English as a Second Language., While students from first year will continue with theB.A, B.Sc., and B.Com Part I+II+III pattern.
The main purpose of thiscourse is to equip the students with the nuances of the English language whichincludes proficiency in grammar and its effective usage in speaking and writing.It further helps them to prepare for various competitive exams and to keep upwith the increasing demand for English in Indian society and at the globallevel. It also develops their overall confidence and personality.
v Enhancelanguage through a task-based & learner – centric syllabus
v Familiarizewith various aspects of our new state of Chhattisgarh.
v Carryout all the LSRW skills
v Channelizeenergy through soft skills and Value orientation
v Learngood English to prosper in professional and personal lives
v Becomeproficient in English for global competency
v Thestudents of General English Three years Course learn the use rather than
usage of English.
v Theydevelop their critical thinking capabilities focused through the course as an importantneed.
v Throughthe selected text, the students are exposed to a range of contexts where thelanguage is used to meet a variety of real life communication needs.
v Thestudents learn/are equipped with the practical, emotional, intellectual and creativeaspects of language by integrating knowledge and skills.
v Thetext focuses on readability, reach ability and testability. The students can successfullypass the three years exam at the undergraduate level by the Sant Gahira GuruUniversity Sarguja.
v Theexercises and the pre & post reading activities in the text draw thestudent into the book and make them to read it with understanding and insightand also encourage them to think beyond the text.
v Thestudents gain ample practice in writing skills. They can write essays andreports and differentiate between objective and subjective writing.
v Theybecome aware of the varieties of English through inputs in British and AmericanVocabulary. They are also exposed to different literary genres of prose andpoetry.
This subject expands theknowledge of the students about the major writers and their works in EnglishLiterature. It equips them to compose sophisticated written works in variousareas of literature along with the usage of literary devices. The course aimsto widen the knowledge of the students about the history of the various Periodsand Movements in English Literature (British and Indian literature inparticular). It improves their prospects of acquiring admission in M.A. Englishin prestigious institutes. It also helps them to cope more effectively with thesyllabus of postgraduate courses.
v Educate students in both the artistry andutility of the English language through the study of literature and othercontemporary forms of culture.
v Provide students with the criticalfaculties necessary in an academic environment, on the job, and in anincreasingly complex, interdependent world.
v Assist students in the development of intellectualflexibility, creativity, and cultural literacy so that they may engage in life-longlearning.
v Students should be familiar withrepresentative literary and cultural texts within a significant number of historical,geographical, and cultural contexts.
v Students should be able to apply criticaland theoretical approaches to the reading and analysis of literary and cultural texts inmultiple genres.
v Students should be able to identify,analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes thatappear in literary and cultural texts and understand the way these ideas,values, and themes inform and impact culture and society, both now and in thepast.
v Students should be able to writeanalytically in a variety of formats, including essays, research papers,reflective writing, and critical reviews of secondary sources.
v Students should be able to ethicallygather, understand, evaluate and synthesize information from a variety ofwritten and electronic sources.
v Students should be able to understand theprocess of communicating and interpreting human experiences through literaryrepresentation using historical contexts and disciplinary methodologies.